Monday, January 21, 2013

Hiding in plain sight...

Once upon a time,  there was a boy who existed on an almost insignificantly small dot of land in the middle of the exotic region of the ocean.. From the moment the medical practitioners made the mistake of realizing that he was more than just a cyst in the womb, it should have been evident that there was something amiss. This became more and more evident as this boy grew up. He developed too fast, knew too much. Didn't react like he should, even though he was also unrealistically sensitive. He started out with hope, that he wasn't a mistake- that he was only as different as someone else who existed. The innocence of childhood made the illusion easier to accept, for with it came the illusion that people were in the habit of being as good as they had the potential to be. However, as time wore on, he started to realise that this may not be the case. The nagging feeling of never fitting in wherever he was, eventually became painfully him. He started to realise that, in a world which had started to accept deviance, he had transcended the limits of even this new found social culture of acceptance.

The problem with this story, is not that he was different. Or at least, that wasn't the main problem. The biggest problem perhaps, was the fact that for all his abnormality, he was able to pass off as no more different than anyone else. Sure, people might realise he was perhaps above-average intelligent. Maybe he seemed more kind and obliging that most. Perhaps there was something about his appearance that people would find appealing. But no one really *knew* how different he was. There were the occasional entrances into his life who made him believe that, perhaps, there were others like him. Be it because these people WERE actually more different than most, or due to the simple reason that he wished to believe so badly, he DID believe...for a while. However, it soon became obvious that for all their deviance, no one really came close to being as different as him. And unfortunately, part of his "uniqueness" was his natural ability to blend in, wherever he went. It was not so much conscious as instinctive, this chameleon-esque nature of his. So, he spent his time..a mistake, forced  to live a life he did not want, yet unable to break free because the only freedom to be found was that which was at the end.

Thus continues the story of the boy...if boy indeed he be. "Blessed" with the ability to understand all, but cursed to a life of never being truly understood. So there he was- a seemingly normal, well adjusted man-hiding in plain sight....

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